Sunday, February 20, 2011

WOD 1 Results

Sorry this took so long to post folks! I wanted to give ThreeEhSee and High and Tight a chance to complete the WOD.

The point structure is one point for first, two points for second etc. so the team with the fewest points at the end wins.

ThreeEhSee and High and Tight were given a three point penalty for the DNF on WOD 1.

Good luck with WOD 2!

Here are the current standings:
1 - Yaw, Owen, Gordana, Leigh Anne Minchin - Roscoe's Chicken 'n Burpees 1:03:40
2 - Eric C, Glenn, Wendy, Lydia - Politically Fucking Correct 1:06:49
3 - Raul, Holly, Tito, Vern - Raulito Hollerns 1:06:53
4 - Kevin, Bruce, Chris Standford, DC Killa - KBDC 1:09:23
5 - Demian, Steve Rhee, Scott S, Monica - Circle of Life 1:09:41
6 - Clint, Steve Viola,Pam, Leigh - Spartans 1:11:47
7 - Fabio, Susan, Preston, Stephanie Nogueira - Mini Killers 1:12:54
8 - Tommy, Tiffany, Diane, Joel - Frends Vision 1:56:25
12 - Angie, Andrij, Anthony, Caitlin - ThreeEhSee
12 - Baillie, Baker, Erica, Dom Rosso - High and Tight

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Two teams (ThreeEhSee and High and Tight) have not completed WOD 1 yet.

They are allowed to finish the WOD the week of Jan. 31 (after the Overdose Competition at Element). The results for WOD 1 will be posted as soon as all 10 teams have completed it.

This exception will not be made in the future so teams should schedule your WOD as soon as possible in order to avoid a DNF.


Each team member will perform a 15 rep max Clean & Jerk. These can be power cleans or squat cleans. The score is the sum of the total load used by each team member.

Touch and go at the floor only. Even a re-grip off the floor is a foul. No dumping. Rest as needed between reps with the bar anywhere on your body.

This WOD must be completed before Sunday February 27.