Friday, April 23, 2010

WOD #1 (April 24 - May 7)

As many thrusters as possible in 20 minutes. Men's weight is 95 lbs. and women's weight is 65 lbs, but, during the entire workout one team member MUST be hanging from a pull up bar. If at any time during the WOD both partner's feet are touching the ground, the WOD is over and your current number of thrusters is your score. You must hang from the bar as though you are at the bottom of a pull up, no exceptions. If your team cannot finish in the 20 minutes, there is no penalty, you're just done the workout. Communication is key in this one, we highly suggest practicing with your partner.

1 comment:

  1. Hello my fellow CFM'ers,

    Im 5'4" tall with long brown hair. I am strong at anything that is body weight, and I push myself through lifts. I love burpees, box jumps and DU's. I am VERY competative and I love a challenge. Would anyone like to be my Team League Partner? :)

    ~Steph N.
