Sunday, December 5, 2010


Back Squat 100,000 pounds for time.

Every time the barbell is racked all team members perform five Burpees.

Two bars only. No changing the weights.

Rules: Before you begin the WOD, you must load each of the two barbells with your choice of load. You cannot alter the loads at any point during the workout. Every time the bar is racked all of the team members must complete five Burpees before anyone will be permitted to squat. Minimum weight is 45 pounds. No maximum weight limit.

Burpee standards are as follows: chest and thighs touch floor, jump and clap over head while airborne.

Squat racks are permitted.

This WOD must be completed before Sunday January 16.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

SEASON 2 - Teams

The CFM Team League teams have been picked. Season two will begin in January. Stay tuned for more details.

1 - Angie, Andrij, Anthony, Caitlin - ThreeEhSee
2 - Tommy, Tiffany, Diane, Joel - Frends Vision
3 - Demian, Steve Rhee, Scott S, Monica - Circle of Life
4 - Raul, Holly, Tito, Vern - Raulito Hollerns
5 - Kevin, Bruce, Chris Sandford, DC Killa - KBDC
6 - Yaw, Owen, Gordana, Leigh Anne Minchin - Roscoe's Chicken 'n Burpees
7 - Eric C, Glenn, Wendy, Lydia - Politically Fucking Correct
8 - Clint, Steve Viola,Pam, Leigh - Spartans
9 - Fabio, Susan, Stephanie Nogueira, Yolanda - Mini Killers
10 - Baillie, Baker, Erica, Dom Rosso - High and Tight

Friday, July 30, 2010

WOD #7 and Final WOD

The final WOD for the CFM Team League is:

75 Calories on the Rower
75 Snatches @ 95/65
75 Calories on the Rower

1 bar and 1 rower per team, only one team member works at a time. 20 minute time cap, the WOD must be completed sequentially, no penalty for not finishing in the time limit.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Friday, July 16, 2010

WOD #7 (July 17 - July 30)

Score as many points in 10 minutes by performing the following:

GHD Sit Ups = 3 points
Regular Sit Ups = 1 point

Your team can only score points if one partner is holding a handstand. You may use the wall at no penalty.

Friday, July 2, 2010

WOD #5 Results and Current Standings

WOD #6 (July 3 - July 16)

Max reps in 5 minutes of tire flips. The Heavy tire is worth 2 points and the Light tire is worth 1 point. Work anyway you choose, no restrictions.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Thursday, June 17, 2010

WOD #5 (June 19 - July. 3)

Complete the following for time:

2000m of Running, and 30 Muscle Ups.

Only one team member can run at a time. You may assist your partner on their muscle up at no penalty if you choose to. You may break up the work in anyway. One team member can be running while the other is completing their muscle ups if you would like, and obviously if assistance is necessary, then no one can be running. Strategize....

Friday, June 4, 2010

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Scheduling For WOD #4

Since everyone has been waiting until the very last day to complete their WOD, we're going to have to start having teams schedule their WODs. There is a schedule sheet near the CFMTL whiteboard in the gym, first come, first served. Max of 4 teams per day scheduled.

WOD #4 (June 5 - June 18)

As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:

20 OH Squats @ 95/65
40 Double Unders

Break up the work however you would like. Only 1 team member can work at a time. You cannot move on to the Doubles until you have finished the OH Squats. That's it, 3...2...1... GO!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Thursday, May 20, 2010

WOD #3 (May 22 - June 5)

In 20 minutes you and your partner must carry each other 800 meters. There are no rules on the way you do this (Fireman's carry, Piggy-Back, etc,) who does this, or how many times you switch, just get it done. Once the 800m is complete, your team has the remaining time to perform a 1 Rep Max Ground to Overhead, EACH. Try as many times as you like, we will take the heaviest legitimate lift. A mathematical formula will be used to determine your score. It takes into account gender, height, bodyweight, and the weight lifted. You will need to weigh in pre-workout and have your height and gender checked. Your weights can be set up pre-workout, but the plates can not be loaded onto the bar until the WOD begins. They must be set up inside, infront of the garage door.

Below is an example of the scoring result. The higher the number the better:

Team A - Athlete #1 - 92.442
- Athlete #2 - 87.324
- Total score- 179.767

Scoring will get very close among some teams, so every pound on the bar counts. Be smart about your lifting. The average 800m carry is going to take about 8 minutes, leaving not much time to put your max overhead.

Friday, May 7, 2010

WOD #2 - May 8 - May 21

In 15 minutes, your team will try to score as many points as possible. The 6 lifts below are each worth a set amount of points, and there are no rules as to what way you are to perform them, it's up to you and your teammate. All lifts are performed with your own barbell and the weight is your bodyweight. The 15 minutes is broken up into 30 second intervals, switching back and forth. You are only allowed to work on your interval. You'll weigh in right before you start.

Thruster = 12
Ground 2 Overhead = 9
Rack 2 Overhead = 6
Clean (Any Way) = 6
Deadlift = 2
Burpee = 1

WOD #1 Results

Congratulations to 2 Guys, 1 Bar! Amazing performances from everyone, good luck on WOD #2.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Thruster Snatch

Owen and Scott T. of "Thruster Snatch" were the second team so far to take on the first league WOD. They killed it, putting up a very competitive score. Owen fell off the bar at the 16:00 mark. Nice work guys!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

WOD #1 Put To The Test

The Desperate Housewives (Wendy and Susan) were the first team to give WOD #1 a go on Saturday. They stayed strong for 13:00 and put up a great score. This workout is all about communication.

Friday, April 23, 2010

WOD #1 (April 24 - May 7)

As many thrusters as possible in 20 minutes. Men's weight is 95 lbs. and women's weight is 65 lbs, but, during the entire workout one team member MUST be hanging from a pull up bar. If at any time during the WOD both partner's feet are touching the ground, the WOD is over and your current number of thrusters is your score. You must hang from the bar as though you are at the bottom of a pull up, no exceptions. If your team cannot finish in the 20 minutes, there is no penalty, you're just done the workout. Communication is key in this one, we highly suggest practicing with your partner.

The Teams

Below is the list of the current teams. Not everyone has submitted their team names yet. Try and get them in soon, or Eric and I are going to make your name for you.

Wendy/Susan - The Desperate Housewives
Kevin/Tommy - Two Guys, One Bar
Joel/Daniel - The Pastafarians
Bruce/Baker - Almost Up, Almost Down
Olimpia/Monica - Badditude
Mel.P./Angie - Ladder 5-0
PKM/Jamie - The Cagey Vets
Eric C./Scott J. - Giant Tiger Presents Eric C. and Scott J.
Alana/Patrick - Team William Shatner
Raul/Clint - Smokey Bacon
Scott S./Gary - The Old Underdawgs
Pam/Leandra - ?
Holly/Fabrice - Fabho
Michael/Gordana - Dixon Butts
Leigh/Judy - The East Coasters
OC/Katrina - The MILFs
Pete/Servos - ?
Percy/Denise - The Deporters
Demian/Toma - ?
Owen/Scott T. - Thruster Snatch
Madhu/Cristina - Twisted Sisters
Martina/Caitlin - The Crayolas
Tony/Sarina - ?
Tate/Simon - The Handies
Cec/Scott A. - Team Awesome
Sonja/Fernanda - Belle Warriors
KJ/CJ - ?

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Team League Details

Last time I checked there were 17 teams signed up for the league. On Friday the list of teams will be posted, along with the first WOD. If your team hasn't come up with a name yet, try and get on that by Friday. Here are the details about the CFM Team League:

-The league season will be 4 months long, and consist of 8 WODs.

-The WODs will be posted every other Saturday. Each team can perform their WOD anytime in the 2 week period. Once the next WOD is posted, time is up for the previous WOD.

-Results will not be posted for the current WOD until the 2 weeks is up. This way no one will know any other team's times.

-The points system will be as follows:
100 for 1st.
95 for 2nd.
90 for 3rd.
89 for 4th.
88 for 5th.
87 for 6th.
And so on all the way down to last place.

-After the last WOD, the top 8 teams will go on to the "play-offs," which will be a 3-WODs-in-one-day event at the beginning of August.

-Co-ed teams are allowed, and there is no men's or women's division... It's all together.

If anyone has any questions about anything we've missed, just ask us in the gym, or post to the comments on this site and we will answer ASAP.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

CFM Team League Website

We are getting so much response about this team league that we thought we should really do it up properly. So, we've started this site devoted entirely to the league. Already there are 7 teams signed up, and from the looks of it there will be a lot more to come. Check back here throughout this week, we will be posting the teams as they sign up, and the first WOD will go up on Friday the 23rd.